Media School

Dhaka    Friday, 19 April 2024

By Sajeeb Sarker

What is News?

Media School June 16, 2020

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The very first thing about news is it is difficult to define comprehensively. It is said that 'what is news today is not news tomorrow. What makes news in a major mining town may not get a second glance from an editor of a rural fishing community'.

If we look into carefully, News are of different kinds, of different tastes and of different points of view. This is why there is no comprehensive and all-encompassing definition of news. Yet, journalists and academics have always tried to define news from different aspects or differing perspectives. For some, News is something reportable; News is something that deserves to be on-air. News is something different from something not reportable or does not deserve to get some space in the newspaper or to get some air-time in the TV or radio channel.

For its very own nature, News is both predictable and unpredictable. Simultaneously, News is about something good or bad, sad or joy, big or small, beautiful or ugly, and crime-punishment-law-billionaire-beggar and so on. Perhaps, absence of any news is a very big news! And since the characteristics of news are diverse immensely, it has been found very difficult to identify them in a single expression and that is what makes News hard to be defined.